Monday, February 24, 2020


I call my moddler Bean. I used to call her Beaner, but I would get terrible looks from people for screaming, "get back here, beaner!!" when she'd run away from me while we were out in public so I shortened it to Bean. The nickname is originated from the song Mexican Americans from Cheech and Chong. That damn song is stuck in my frontal lobe and I CONSTANTLY break out in song and dance to sing it(see picture for reference). My moddler would lose her shit when I would eventually reach the part of the song that goes, "BEANERS......GONNA KICK EM IN THE FACE!!" In hindsight, it might have been my terrible high kick that she was laughing at because after 4 kids, I can barely tie my shoes, let alone do a fucken high kick, pretending like I'm a god damn gymnast. Because of my weird obsession with these two stoners and their movies, my ringtone is Mexican Americans, specifically Chong's part. I usually have my phone on vibrate when we go anywhere, but when we're home, the volume is always on. When I get a call, she'll yell BEANERS and run to grab my phone. I found it hilarious that she loves this song so much that she sings it everytime my phone goes off. The problem that I'm having now is that she yells it even when she plays with her play phones. She'll grab her phone, yell "BEANERS" and then pretend like she's talking, but she's an angry phone talker so she will yell into her phone like her name is Karen and she is demanding to speak to a manager. When we leave the house, I have to search her like she's a prison inmate to make sure she isn't carrying a contraband phone because I seriously don't want her to unnecessarily offend anyone while we're out and about. So, if for any reason, any of you ever run into me in public and happen to hear her screaming into something she's pretending is a phone, do not be alarmed. She's not being derogatory. She just loves that fucken song. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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