Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"Do you hear that?"

My condom complaints have this annoying habit of trying to tell me a story at the most inconvenient time. It's usually while I'm in the middle of doing something vital to their survival amongst the chaos such as preparing dinner or getting three different lesson plans pulled up on three different devices. My ears are open 24/7 for them to explain every detail of anything they want to talk about, but every once in a while, I need the noise to stop so i don't have a nervous breakdown from not being able to process everything that is happening. Because of this, I've started doing this thing where I hush everyone, make a genuinely concerned face, and ask, "what is that? Do you hear it?" This activates their curiosity and they all get extremely quiet to sneak through the house, looking for what is making the phantom noise. I get to finish what I'm doing and they get to help try and identify a noise that doesnt exist. It's a win-win......for now. Hopefully they'll understand why I do this when they have children of their own and don't just worry that auditory hallucinations are hereditary. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

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