Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I Hate Easter

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of parents with co-sleeping toddlers tonight. It's practically impossible to set up for Easter morning with an ankle biter attached to you. So, you think to yourself, "I'll just lay down until they fall asleep." HAH! Good luck staying awake wrapped up with that cuddly ball of heat. Even if you do manage to keep somewhat alert, you have to do a Marine sanctioned obstacle course to escape. You have to untangle your hair from theirs, slip out of their death grip, slide out of bed, army crawl to a safe distance and escape the room without making any noise to hurriedly throw together a basket, all within the allotted timeframe between when you get up and they somehow sense your absence. Then, you get to go back and attempt to actually go to sleep, despite your heart pounding out of your chest because the anxiety of trying to complete this task has you feeling like you just jumped out of an airplane. Good luck in the morning dealing with your kids that have ingested about 20 pounds of chocolate before 8am while you're clinging to your coffee cup for dear life because you KNOW it's the only thing standing between you and a straight jacket. Easter is so much fun.

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