Sunday, March 15, 2020

I "gooder"

I got myself something today while attempting to get groceries. It was just a Hershey bar, but it was my personal reward for not losing my shit out in public. My little tinder trophy spotted it as I was trying to put groceries away. She brought it over and asked in the sweetest way, "I ave some? I good girl." So, I caved and broke off a little rectangle piece for her. She looked utterly disappointed at my sharing capabilities and exclaimed, "what a hell, mom?!?!" I told her I was a good girl too so I got it for me. I also said that after I put everything away, I was going to make dinner so she didn't need to fill up on chocolate. I went back to my tedious task and when I finished, I went to enjoy my snack. I turned around to grab my grocery trophy only to find the table empty with the exception of the ONE piece I broke off and gave away. She left me her piece and took the rest of the damn candy bar. When confronted about why she took my treat, she shrugged at me and said, "I gooder....." Apparently we have differing opinions on who behaved better. I'm pretty sure it was me, but I guess I don't have to make dinner now. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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