Monday, February 10, 2020

Arts and Crafts

This weekend was amazing. My husband was home and extremely helpful with the kids. The older kids were helpful as well, especially with keeping their baby sister occupied so I could do important things, like clean my house and wipe my ass. I got spoiled. I took it for granted and honestly, got a little too comfortable with how well the cog wheels of this household were turning. Everything was going so smooth.....until today. The kids went back to school. The husband went back to work. Everyone went back to their outside of the home duties and I was left with a false sense of security with my nemesis, the moddler. I went and took an shit, the one that naturally has to happen after two cups of coffee. For some reason, my mom brain had me thinking that this child was out in the living room, sitting on the couch eating the chips that she keeps stealing from the pantry despite being told repeatedly that she doesn't need a damn "sack". I assumed she was just quietly enjoying Toy Story for the fourth fucken time today and being content. I was wrong. I was definitely wrong. Instead, she got the pliers that I forgot to put back into the tool box after attempting to fix my nose ring and decided it was a good idea to play arts and crafts with some books. She tore some pages out of a couple of her own books and shredded her sister's library book from school. SHREDDED!! When I asked what the fuck she was doing, she responded with, "what? I make a pitty." She was making a pretty.........a pretty big fucken mess. I love this child more than anything, but she's a damn predator, waiting until someone is unsuspecting and vulnerable to attack. God help me and these books. I'm going to need a hell of a lot more than scotch tape to fix this confetti shit. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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