Thursday, February 6, 2020

The case of the mysterious shit!

There I was, watching tv, minding my own damn business and it hit me. My moddler has been quiet for farrrrr too long. I was on the verge of just enjoying it and letting her go, but thanks to my anxiety telling me some crazy story about her being sucked up by a tornado or some other terrible tragedy I've seen in movies, I decided to get up and make sure she was at least still with us. I got up and walked my happy ass to the playroom to find her BUTT ASS NAKED. Then, this little shit, looked me directly in my eyes and says, "I sooooooo sorry." I'm fucken terrified!! Then, it hit me like Mike Tyson was all up in my nose, fist fucking my nostrils. SHIT!! I smelled shit. Not a little bit of shit, but enough shit to fill an entire fucken room!! I asked, like a logical person expecting a perfectly reasonable explanation, "what did you?" She says, "I nakeeeey!!" So I ask, "and after you got naked?" She puts her head down, shakes it, and says, "make sinky?" What in the literal shit would possess this child to make a "sinky" aka stinky aka take a good damn shit somewhere in her toy room? My kid is well, a mess and her toy room reflects that 100 percent. So, we now have the case of the missing turd on our hands and I sure as shit am no Sherlock Holmes. There is no way I'm spending all night searching for the missing shit. I. JUST. CAN'T. So, we've quarantined the toy room. I've got it lookin like the damn house from E.T. until which time I am well rested and mentally prepared to play CSI, lookin for shit fragments on all of these damn toys. HahahaHELP. 🤦🏼‍♀️💩

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