Sunday, February 16, 2020

Small victory

I am grown with 4 children. I have accomplished so much in my life and have gone through so much. I have seen and overcome more obstacles than they have in the damn Olympic games. I've done all of this and yet, one thing still hinders me. There is ONE quest that I can't conquer without going to war first. For the life of me, I can NEVER make my bed without it turning into a huge fight. I've tried so many times, but my native of Cockblockistan has this sixth sense where she immediately knows exactly when I am pulling fresh bedding from the dryer. She runs to my bed and jumps on it in anticipation of our upcoming Strong Man tug of war competition. She'll pull. I'll pull. She ends up pointing at me and yelling "LET A GO, MOM!!" I can usually distract her by singing and dancing the popular Frozen song and she'll jump up and go find her Elsa doll which gives me about 2 minutes to finish the chore before she returns. One of these nights, she's going to catch on to my antics or decide she doesn't like Frozen anymore, but until then, cheers to small victories, mamas!! 🍾


  1. I can’t stop reading these stories!! These are gold!! 😂 I am almost in tears from laughing so hard!! I found your blog from the mom group on FB and I’m so glad I did! I’ll definitely be bookmarking it and coming back to read more!

    xo, Sarah
