Tuesday, February 18, 2020


My oldest, Shitbrick, has been under the weather since last Thursday. Today, we FINALLY got her in to see the doctor and found out she has strep. I've been acting like Joe Goldberg all day, just following this poor child around and watching her every move so I can sanitize everything she breathes on and touches with lysol wipes. I finally just quarantined her to her room so I could attempt to wipe down every single surface in my house to try and abolish all of the germs, regardless of KNOWING it's an impossible feat. While at the doctors, my moddler started coughing and when the doctor came in, I was going to have them check her too. Unfortunately, as the doctor was walking in, this little shit was face down on the floor literally licking the tiles so it completely slipped my mind because well, I was embarrassed as fuck. Anyways, I decided to tell my husband that I thought she might be catching her sister's illness and asked him to grab some supplies at the store to help stop them from sharing germs. I obviously meant more sanitizing products, but I didn't specify. I SHOULD HAVE SPECIFIED. Can anyone explain to me why the fuck this man thought he did such a great job by spending 60 fucken dollars on a Buzz Lightyear helmet for his semen demon and then had the balls to try and justify his purchase by explaining how much time and energy he was saving me while saying, "at least she won't be breathing on everything." He is so damn proud of himself and all I want to do is close the lid on his balls. 😂😂 Hahahahahelp. I might end up committed from living with these people. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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