Thursday, February 6, 2020

Fuck it

I know I'm not the only one that has had "fuck it" days. You know, those days where you just decide to let them go because you'd rather just clean up toys once rather than picking up the same damn toys repeatedly? For those of you wondering, yes, I do make her help and she picks up her own toys, but she's got little arms, little legs, and carries them one at a time back to her toy room. I am impatient because I have shit to do so most of the time so she'll get like 3 toys picked up while I bitch under my breath getting the rest of them just for them ALL to be back out in full force later on. I had one of those days yesterday. I was over it. Then, last night, I decided "fuck it" again and decided I'd just clean in the morning because well, I just didnt want to. I fed these little ankle biting uterus candies some spaghettios and sat on my ass while they played and caused mass destruction. We went to get ready for bed and my moddler was so distraught that the house was a mess. So, she grabbed her little vacuum and started going to town saying terrible(yet hilarious) shit about the state of the house under her breath. Some of them including, but not limited to, "bullshit", "soooooo much mess", "not my job", and yelling for her siblings who were already in bed to come "get shit". I have never in my life been more convinced that she is a miniature me. 😂

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