Thursday, February 27, 2020

Just dry my clothes!!

For the past few days, I've been repeating the same sequence of events. I go to pull the clothes out of the dryer, notice that they're still wet as fuck, justify that realization by blaming mom brain because I must have just gotten distracted and forgot to start it, restart said dryer, go tend to other chores, come back to wet clothes, and repeat. I've even incorporated my family into this insanely repetitive task by asking them to switch over the clothes for me and then getting pissed when the clothes are still wet because, "nobody can do anything right around here!!" 🙄 It's been at least two days, maybe longer. The dirty laundry has PILED THE FUCK UP!! I finally tapped into my detective skills to realize, "hey, maybe the dryer isnt working." So, I did what any sane person would do and I broke down to ask my husband, despite being a strong, independent woman who don't need no man. He asked some stupid questions like, is it plugged in? So, I cleaned it off and pulled it out to check. Yup, it's plugged in. Is it spinning and making noise? Yup. Are the knobs all on the right settings? What kind of stupid ass ques...........figured it out. Someone fucked with my dryer knobs!!! I have learned two things today. One, it takes me an embarrassingly long time to realize I'm repeating the same task over and over with no results. And two, one or more of these damn kids are trying to get me committed. That is all. Now, I need to go do about 20 loads of fucken laundry. Wish me luck. 

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