Thursday, February 6, 2020

Interview don'ts.

Not baby related, but I thought I'd just share with y'all my day. I haven't worked in years, but have been bouncing the idea of rejoining the work force back and forth with my husband. I decided I'd put in some apps and see what happens. I got a call to come in today for an interview. I ended up being late because I got stuck behind a train and to be honest, I forgot where the fuck I was going. I am a SAHM so I dont socialize, like ever and was nervous as fuck. I don't know exactly why I am the way I am, but within the first 5 minutes, i decided to disclose that i was sweating profusely. Then, I was told "just be yourself", which is the WORST advice to give to someone like me. I continued by saying oh, fuck at one point, putting my hands in my armpits, because I was sweating and thought they'd notice, even though they probably wouldnt have if I didnt say anything, shook their hands with my sweaty hands, and then told them thank you for getting me out of my house for a minute while talking about my kids, including their bowel movements, EXTENSIVELY. Any other SAHMs forget how to be an actual person when they talk to people or is it just me?

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